Friday, October 8, 2010

A beautiful fall week

We've had a week of glorious fall weather and have taken every opportunity to get outdoors and enjoy it.

On Sunday afternoon we went to Meijer Gardens to catch the Artprize sculptures featured there. Before looking at the sculptures, we took a short walk through the wetland area there and came across a flock of swans. The contrast between them and the Chihuly glass art installation was breathtaking.

Henry enjoyed stopping at the mock farm and using the hand pump.

We had a zoo playdate with a neighbor on Monday. The boys enjoyed the animals, but the wooden train was the main attraction.

We also took advantage of the nice weather to do some outdoor science activities. Henry was quite excited about his new magnifying glass, but a three-year-old attention span doesn't exactly lend itself to much close observation.

We also took a walk to the Garfield nature center (which is next to the park). Henry loved climbing on fallen logs and stumps and squishing berries in between his fingers. After he commented that the squished berries looked like paint, it occurred to me that we could use them for an art project. So, we took a couple bunches home and Henry did some berry painting.

You can see Elizabeth generally doesn't mind getting schlepped around to all our activities! She has been a bit fussy in the afternoons lately, but other than that continues to be very easy-going.

During our at-home academics, Henry had a lot of fun playing with his number puzzles this week. He's become quite proficient at the numbers up to ten, both counting and recognizing the numerals.

And he blew me away this week with his letter knowledge. I knew he knows the alphabet pretty well, but he was able to connect all of the lower-case letters with their upper-case match--and even draw the lines himself.

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