Friday, September 24, 2010

Third week

We had several fun and not-so-fun "firsts" this week:

1. Henry's first play. He and Greg went to see a community theater production of Blue's Clues. Greg reports that Henry was entranced, and that the interactive format proved to be a perfect first theater experience for a three-year-old. Here's a picture of the two theater-goers.

2. Our first big power outage in Grand Rapids. Our power went out Tuesday night at 9 and didn't come on again until 2 PM the next afternoon. Fortunately, we didn't lose too much in the fridge or freezer. Henry thought it was all very exciting (especially getting to use flashlights) but sitting around in the gloom on Wednesday morning was not the most fun, although we livened things up by making food coloring and coffee filter fall leaves.

3. The other upside of the morning in the dark is that it inspired me to get to the Y and take Elizabeth to the child care center for the first time. It felt wonderful to finally be able to workout without a stroller (although I could no longer blame my slow pace on having to push the stroller!) Kids in the day care require an ID card, so we went early and got Elizabeth her very first Y card. Henry also had his picture re-taken, since his was from when he was six months old. Aren't these adorable?

The new cards:

Henry's old card:

And, a couple other highlights of the week. Henry had a lot of fun playing with his magnetic pattern blocks.

We also played "store" during our school time for some stealth practice with counting and simple addition.

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